We offer you complete freedom in choosing preferred partners to deliver the local, national and international connections your business needs.
- Rapid delivery and secure connectivity
- Carrier neutrality. Wide choice of suppliers
- Flexible and scalable solutions
- Local, national and international connectivity options
- Extended reach to international exchanges

Interconnectivity where you need it.
Cross-connects enable connectivity to other clients in our facility. We deliver and manage client connections to multiple Meet-Me rooms and other areas within the data centre.
Choice of networking partners.
If you need to connect to any location outside our facility, we make it easy to arrange metropolitan-area, national and international connectivity services through any of the connectivity providers on site. We also offer you a choice of high-quality IP Transit services through our community of network partners.
For connectivity between our data centres, you can take advantage of dedicated, resilient network infrastructure, offering high-capacity, reliable metro, national and international links that can be designed and scaled to fit your changing needs
Intra- and inter-exchange peering.
The explosive growth in traffic on content provider networks means that ISPs and telcos must peer for traffic exchange – to reduce costs, increase redundancy, lower latency and improve performance.
Each OADC facility will have its own Internet eXchange Point (IXP), enabling peering connections to be set up between clients. Services can be tailored to support needs for high levels of redundancy, specific interfaces or any other requirement.
For connectivity to other IXPs, you can choose any of the carriers present on site.